When writing test cases in Gherkin, the larger your set of scenario descriptions gets, the easier it is to create redundant step definitions.

Word order, using synonyms, all this leads to more and more step definitions to manage.

One tool to get an overview of redundancies is the following Python script. it search through a directory entered as a parameter and all its subdirectories, scans the files for step definitions and finally lists these with the file and line number alphabetically sorted in a text file.

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The Petclinic application is a demo implementation. This means there are some anomalies that real applications might not have. One such is the missing function of deleting an owner in the angular front end.

When testing the front end this leads to the anomaly, that the owner list grows until the rest server is reset and all previous data is lost.

A walk around is the use of the owners DELETE api from the Rest application server.

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